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“Music Controller”
A way for staff/patrons to curate the musical atmosphere at a venue.
The client specialises in creating playlists in hospitality, such as restaurants, hotels, cafes and bars. They asked for a way that staff and management can control the music that they provide to them.
This mobile application offers users the controls to wield the vibe and environment for their patrons. The presence of music in a space that commands it, has the power to elevate the atmosphere.
With this application, venue staff can view the songs that are playing and use the ‘remote’ to control how it is played. The inclusion of a like and dislike feature enables an open channel and feedback loop to playlist makers. Playlists can also be viewed and scheduled; giving venue staff oversight on whats available and control over what vibe is appropriate.
Mobile Application
UX/UI Design
Development Support
“We have learned so much
there still remains much to learn
we are not going in circles
we are going upwards
The path is a spiral.”
Herman Hesse
Last updated 15 Jan 2025